Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Miss My Boo!

Matt has been gone in Chicago for 4 days now.

I started school this week. I am taking full-time classes and working 40 hours a week, yet I have been surprisingly productive.

The house is spotless, I am up to date with all of my school work, and I even had time to see Eat Pray Love. Might I add that I ate a whopper, fries, half a bag of movie popcorn, peanut M&Ms and Twix all within the 2 hour time frame of the movie--this is what happens when your husband leaves you for a few days...(Matt, if you ever leave me or die, I will probably become obese for a few months, no joke). Anyway, good job on the key details of the book. The book is awesome. If you are in need of an inspiring story to brighten your life, go see this movie, or better yet read the book. It will be the best decision you ever make. Now just 18 more hours until I pick up Matt from the airport!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Do Throw Throw Pillows in the Washer

Little Maximus decided he would pee on my favorite throw pillow of all time today. After minutes of debating whether I should toss it or try to salvage it, I decided I would give a whirl in the washing machine. Voile! Twenty minutes later I had a clean pillow, good as new!

Caution: Only wash pillows that have cotton upholstery.

I also bought a pair of cognac booties today! Now my fall wardrobe can completely be planned accordingly. Can I just tell you how excited I am for fall fashion? Deep yellows, burnt orange, green, deep purple, stripes, etc! Yumm! I think I could have one of everything. It doesn't help that I work at the cutest store ever.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Congrats Abbey (Your Bangs Are Awesome Too)!

Abbey received a great promotion at work. She has done a great job, and is an amazing wife!

By the way (Abbey writing now) did I mention I got bangs? They are fab. Every girl should have funky little bangs at some point in life. I will give you 5 top reasons why:

1) They are sassy.

2) The right bangs are the icing on the cake to an already chic lady.

3) Bangs add a cute dimension to your face and bring out your great features (amazing eyes, fabulous cheek-bone structure, to-die-for make up skills, the list goes on!)

4) Head bands look cute, no matter how cute or ugly the head band might be.

5) If you have a big forehead, AKA fivehead, they solve that problem with a snip of the scissors!

(note: matt wasn't ready for the pic. he is still a cutie pie, even with the deer-in-the-headlight look)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It begins

One of my fav. days of the year is today...USC FOOTBALL begins fall camp!!! Now I have something to keep me occupied for the next 4 or 5 months. This will be the central theme for conversations among the RODRIGUEZ family for the next while. Even though there are no chances of a bowl game this year, football is my fav. sport and I love it. Football on blogs is a lot more interesting than food/recipe blogs or arts and crafts!

Monday, August 2, 2010

World Cup

The summer has slowed down since the World Cup ended. I was super happy Spain won the championship. While we were in Spain we had the chance to watch a couple of the matches. Abbey developed a little crush on Sergio Ramos. To help her remember her dear Sergio, I bought her a jersey. I finally arrived from China after a lengthy delay.
Here is Sergio himself