Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break= San Diego Sunshine

We were so lucky to get to go to SD for spring break! Scott and Linds are always so hospitable and let us stay with them and are fun to hang out with. We played with the girls, had some much-needed beach time, went to the SD Zoo, and most importantly Matt had his intern interview!

The interview went well and we are just waiting to hear the details when he will start, etc. It is with Bascom and they are an apartment/commercial real estate/private equity company (you can hit up Matt for the specifics). They are located in Irvine so it would be fun to live there for the summer! I really hope it all goes to plan!

So, while we were gone for the day at the beach Benny decided to sneak out and was running around the cul-de-sac. Let me remind you that he is blind and they live next to a very busy road the is bustling with crazy CA drivers. Luckily one of their sweet neighbors saw him and ran to his rescue. Thank goodness for little, nosey lady neighbors who are constantly on the watch or we would have found little Benny as roadkill!

My parents (Ash & Marie) are coming next week for Easter! I am so excited!

Also, pictures will be coming shortly...I am still working on the USB thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt...your cousin Michelle here! I am glad you left a comment on my blog! How are things going? Looks like you and Abbey are having so much fun! I love it. Todd's e-mail is tkeller@irvinecompany
    .com....I think. Let know if it doesn't work out. next time your in town come visit!
