Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Celebrations and Other Shenanigans

It was my birthday on January 26 and I am now 22! It may seem like baby years for some, but to me it feels so old! We had a fun, simple day together- I got a pedicure and we had dinner at PF Changs (which regrettably made us a bit sick). Don't mind the birthday cake. We got a bit hungry and ate 3/4 of the Funfetti cake the night before which resulted in having only 4 candles because there wasn't much room left on the cake. Who needs an accurate amount of candles anyway? The wish is still good, right? Right. We also celebrated with Ginger and James and that cake was a bit more official. When we arrived at their house we got a celebrity welcoming from the kiddos. They were screaming at the top of their lungs and nearly knocked us over as we came through the door. It was the greatest greeting I have ever received. We love living near them and enjoy the time we get to spend over there!

We have had the opportunity to explore AZ a bit better in the past few weeks! Last week we hung out with a few of the Tbird students that Matt went to Costa Rica with and went to dinner at an out-door mall type area called Westgate with some friends from our ward. The next night we went to the Coyotes hockey game with a company that Matt is working with. It was my first hockey game and needless to say, I LOVED it! What an exciting sport! Unfortunately there were no glove-throwing fist fights but maybe next time.

Other than that, we are just working and studying, the same old routine we all go through.

Superbowl was fun today and Matt is very thrilled about the Saints victory. Go Reggie Bush!

1 comment:

  1. I am a little out of the habit of checking your blog but I am so excited to see new posts! And, I am loving the new facial of the blog. It looks so cute!
