We live in a sunny place. Our little home is cozy and provides the shelter we need. We enjoy cooking and eating good food together. I am married to my best friend and get to be with him forever. So why am I sad?

I am sad because I have expensive hobbies (or want to have those hobbies but cannot because they are too expensive). Do you see this predicament I am in?
As my brother Brett puts it, I suffer from a rare form of Hobby A.D.D. I think it is hereditary since he has acquired it as well. Are you wondering what this ailment entails? Let me enlighten you, because you could have it too!

-Extreme boredom driving you to find a cool activity
-Realizing you are quite good at this particular activity
-Spending wads of money on this activity you think you will do forever (this is the point it turns into a hobby)
-Actively engaging in this hobby for 3-4 weeks
-Becoming really bored again around the month mark
-Seeing something really cool and in an earnest effort to be more talented or "well-rounded", you pick up yet ANOTHER unnecessary hobby
-Eventually making the rounds to the colossal-sized list of hobbies one year later
The cure, you ask?
Poverty. Yes, poverty. Being a dirt-poor student with a bank account rivaling the numbers of the temperature we live in, will drive you to the realization that these A.D.D. hobby cravings can no longer be fed.
What' s a girl to do? I suppose I should start getting creative and make my own hobby of finding free hobbies. Maybe I could even start a Free A.D.D. Hobby blog or write a book! I think this is my answer.
Sometimes it is best to just write out your feelings, because that is the point you come to the conclusion you have been searching for.
That's all.